John C. Brown John C. Brown was born in 1832 in Mandarin, Duval County, Florida. John was married to Mary Adeline Bowden who was born in 1832 in Fulton, New York.
enter site John would have been age 29 when the American Civil War broke out. He fought for the Confederate army. John and Mary Adeline had 8 children. Three of their 8 children were born right smack in the middle of the Civil War (1861-1865). The children were: Anna E (1856); John A (1857); Pauline E (1859); Frances (1861); Sidonia (1863); Charles Moses (1865); Belle (1867); and Robert Edward (1870). One confusing thing is that I found a photograph in which Sid and Belle appear to be twins.
Tramadol Online Overnight Uk John and his wife attended different churches. John attended one denomination with the boys while Mary Adeline attended a different denomination with the daughters.
go hereenter From a funeral card, I obtained John’s death date of Jan 15, 1902, age 69.
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