Reuben Traveller (2/20/1788 – 2/14/1861) The headstone of Reuben Traveller describes Reuben as being “a native of London, England”.

Real Tramadol Online Reuben was the 17 year old cabin boy or midshipman aboard the HMS Victory to Admiral Horatio Nelson in the Battle of Trafalgar fought on October 21, 1805. This was a pivotal Naval Battle when Britain was fighting France. Admiral Lord Nelson became Britain’s greatest naval hero and this battle confirmed the naval supremacy that Britain had established during the 18th century. “As a ship’s boy for Horatio Nelson, Reuben Traveller likely went to sea around the age of nine. Captains would take 5 to 10 young boys aboard their ships, with plans of training them to be midshipmen. …

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source Reuben married Sarah Veal in 1807 and had 7 children. In about 1820, the family sailed from England to Philadelphia where Sarah died in 1821. Afterwards the Traveller’s moved to Bytown, where Mr. Traveller may have worked on the Rideau Canal and was the Bytown court crier and town crier for many years. By 1860 he had remarried at least once and probably twice, but by that time he was in declining health. Mr Traveller’s will at the National Archives on Ottawa includes the story of his life, which he probably wrote himself.” Reuben’s “Last Will and Testament” mentions a wife named Emily and an eldest son Fortunatus, a second son Reuben and a daughter named Georgiana. The will reveals that Reuben had religious inclinations.

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see Reuben is buried in St. James Anglican Church Cemetery in Hull, Quebec.

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