Allan Weston MacGregor
Allan Weston MacGregor was an illegitimate, sole child born to Catherine Caroline (Kate) MacGregor on March 6,1878 in Douglas, Ontario.7 His great grandfather “Squire Peter MacGregor” was a Scottish immigrant. In the 1880’s, Allan’s mother came to marry John Kerr of Ottawa. Living in Douglas, Kate came to be known as Catherine Caroline MacGregor Kerr. After this marriage, Allan continued living with his grandparents John MacGregor and Ruth Priscilla Traveller on their Douglas farm. He was essentially brought up by his grandparents! Order Tramadol From China Jean Lippincott credits Gramma Caroline Kerr ( Allans mother) as providing her with her “earliest teachings about God”
source url Allan and his cousins Roy, Lorne & James ( sons of Peter MacGregor) were as close as brothers. [Evidence of this closeness was exhibited when Allan gave bushlands to Roy and Lorne.]
followclick Though born & raised in Douglas, Allan went to high school in Renfrew. Eventually, he became a teacher and the principal of that high school — though he became disillusioned with teaching and wanted to be a surgeon. Not having enough funds to put himself through school and desiring to complete his education, he chose to become a dentist. link In 1899, he graduated from Western University in London and the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. ( Jean believes Grampa John Kerr gave some financial assistance to Allan during dental school.) link Allans’ first wife, Jean Dodd died of peritonitis on Oct 2, 1909. Allan & Jean had been married 9 years. Allan met Irene Givens when she had come in for an appointment to have her teeth checked. Irene was a beautiful nineteen year old – 16 years younger than Allan. The couple fell in love and were married on Nov 27, 1912 in Packenham. The groom stood slightly under 6 feet tall. He kept himself in excellent shape. (Grampa & Gramma Givens were excited to see their daughter marry this dentist for Irene had been in love with a Park Samel – the son of an Anglican minister in Pakenham.)
herefollow link Professionally Allan was a very busy man. He managed a large dental practice. The office was located above Clancy’s drug store. Additionally, having purchased the first Xray machine in Arnprior, Allan assisted those individuals who had suffered broken bones throughout the surrounding rural area.
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A multi-faceted person, Allen had very diverse interests. An avid reader, he assembled an impressive library – Dickens; Victor Hugo; Alexander Dumas; J Fennimore Cooper and books on history and zoology. Allan encouraged his children to have a love for reading. An avid fisherman and hunter, he enjoyed writing articles on his experiences with fishing and hunting. One of the two sporting magazines he wrote for was Rod and Stream. Allan shot two moose as their antlers were locked in a fight. One moose head was kept over the fireplace in the family home. The other moose head was kept in Allan’s dental office. (One of the moose heads is still in the Arnprior curling rink to this day. The second moose head had been in the Arnprior Golf Club.)
Tramadol Medication Online Allan also had a silver fox ranch and bred foxes for their pelts. The ranch was located in the vicinity of the new Arnprior rink. This pelting was done right in the basement of the family home.
go site Allan had an interest in photography and owned his own developing equipment. Often on family picnics he would set up his camera on a tripod. Allan was a very strong member of the Madawaska Masonic Lodge. In fact, he earned a Master’s Jewel and became a Grand Master. Allan enjoyed his lodge work. Allan loved to work with his hands. He built Irene a canoe which they enjoyed together for a time until the canoe was given to Marg upon her 12th birthday. He also built a launch (pleasure boat) which he used frequently in the Ottawa River. It was named the IBIS ( which is an Egyptian bird ) According to Ewart, Allan also played lacrosse for Almonte, (though the point of his life source url at which he did this is unknown). Allan read his bible every night, though he did not go to Church. He was very concerned that the family stay Protestant. He got involved with the Gospel Hall when a Mr. Fisk approached him for monetary assistance to rent or acquire a building. Occasionally, he attended to view their progress. Allan died of kidney cancer.